Contracts Engineer, Sakhalin Energy Investment Company (SEIC), Yuzhno Sakhalin, Russian Federation
“I am a proud to have worked with some of the people in the Leadership Team of IASCM – IACM. There is a lot of passion for our profession and am sure that all members will experience this. I have had extremely good advises and attention that helped to shape my career in the industry. I am a member of IASCM – IACM because I can’t conceive of NOT being a member…IASCM – IACM is the organization that gives me a chance to become involved in shaping the future of the profession and in spreading Contract Management. Through IASCM – IACM, contract specialists work together to have one voice on the issues important to us.”

Svetlana Lebedeva, IASCM – IACM
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